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Surrey Village & Wilcox Roadside Vegetation Treatment

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This Project serves Surrey Village/Wilcox and Mill Creek. These communities are within a Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), a zone with a high vulnerability to wildfire due to their proximity to natural areas. Project work addresses hazardous roadside vegetation to improve resident evacuation routes (egress) and the ability of emergency personnel to access the area (ingress) in the event of wildfire. Defensible Space Assistance is also available to Tehama County residents on a first-come-first-served basis.

Surrey Village/Wilcox

Roadside Vegetation Treatment

What to expect: Starting the week of March 27, 2023*, RCDTC field technicians will begin to address hazardous roadside vegetation in the communities of Surrey Village and Wilcox. All work will be completed within the county right-of-way. No vegetation will be treated on private property. Hand tools, a chipper, and/or mini excavator masticator will be utilized along the roadway, occupying one lane in some locations. As a safety precaution, flaggers will assist with vehicle passage. Major routes such as Adobe and Wilcox Roads and Surrey Village Lane will be prioritized for treatment.

This component of the overall Project entails the removal of smaller trees at 15" in Diameter at Breast Hight (DBH) and under, within the county right-of-way. Larger trees within treatment areas will have limbs pruned to a height of 8' above ground level. All material will be chipped or masticated and will remain on-site. Treatment will follow California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the protection of plant and animal species.

What is hazardous vegetation: Excessive live and dead brush, shrubs, and trees with low limbs provide excellent fuel for wildfire. Spacing between brush, shrubs, and trees is critical to help slow the spread of wildfire.

Why address hazardous roadside vegetation: Wildfires can start or spread along roadways igniting brush and trees as well as homes and other flammable structures. Additionally, trees that could be impacted by wildfire or other natural phenomena could inhibit ingress/egress if they were to fall and block roadways.

Defensible Space Assistance  

Defensible Space is your property’s front-line defense against wildfire. The RCDTC offers no-cost assistance in helping create 100 feet of defensible space around habitable structures. This is a limited time offer. Apply today! For details visit

Mill Creek

Coming soon…


Funding for this project provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire Prevention Program.

Mill Creek/Surrey Village & Wilcox Community Improvement Maintenance and Development Project is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities. 

*Seasonal work, contingent on weather conditions.