West Tehama Roadside Fuel Treatment Project
Watch this brief On-Demand Video Clip regarding the West Tehama Fuels Treatment Project for more information!
This project is an ongoing project to carry out vegetation treatments such as cutting, chipping and herbicide applications along 6.2 miles of secondary roads that connect with Bowman Road in Cottonwood, CA. The total number of treated acres will be approximately 225.
The primary goal of this project is the reduction in roadside ignitions, which will reduce the risk of wildfire smoke, the production of GHGs and other air pollutants, and protect carbon sequestering oak forests. This project also expands and improves an existing network of fuel breaks in the region. High traffic volumes along all the roads proposed for treatments create a significant risk of roadside ignition and fire spread into numerous privately owned and developed homesites and ranchettes, public facilities, commercial ranches and farms all within healthy mature oak woodlands. Once proposed treatments are completed, not only will ignition and fire risk be reduced, these treatment areas will create fire breaks. Importantly, the use of herbicides within treatment areas will both extend the life of this fire management infrastructure and reduce the cost of future maintenance.